Sports Physiotherapy in Bangalore

Sports injuries need to be treated differently from the other kinds of injuries one may sustain. That’s why sports professionals prefer to consult a trained sports physiotherapist who has experience in dealing with sports injuries.

A sports physiotherapist is from the orthopaedics background and has specialised training in sports injuries and treatment methods.

What Does a Sports Physiotherapist Do?

A trained sports physiotherapist has intensive knowledge about the sport as well as the injuries. So, they will have better knowledge and understanding of the injury and its implications on your performance in your sport. A sports therapist first analyses the injury and assesses it using scientific methods and procedures. Based on the diagnosis, the therapist recommends treatment methods that involve a mix of medical procedures as well as fitness therapy. They will recommend a fitness plan that will include exercises to strengthen the injured part, slowly but steadily. Sports physiotherapy is more about helping the athlete get back on the field healthy and fit than just treating the injury.

Where to Find Personalised Sports Physiotherapy in Bangalore?

You don’t have to search for the “best sports physician near me” anymore! YOS Sports is your one-stop-solution for sports fitness planning, sports injury management and sports physiotherapy in Bangalore. Our highly skilled team of experienced sports physiotherapists will help treat your injury and assist you in setting your fitness goals and getting back on the field stronger and fitter than before!

Invest in your health and fitness – Consult professional sports physiotherapists at YOS Sports. Whether you want to consult our sports physiotherapist or just want to take a look at the facilities we have and services we offer, you can directly visit our sports physiotherapy clinic at Leela Palace Road in Bangalore. You can also call us for any clarifications.




2nd Floor, No.1, Leela Palace Road, Bengaluru - 560008
Landline: +91 80 4814 9111 / +91 80 4814 9222
Mobile: +91 9606475411

2nd Floor, No.1, Leela Palace Road, Bengaluru - 560008
Landline: +91 80 4814 9111 /
+91 80 4814 9222
Mobile: +91 9606475411


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